Monday, February 17, 2014

Check in

Well I have honestly been slacking in the work out department. Let's just admit that now. It's  more or less my fear of going to the gym because I feel like everyone will be staring. I did work out a bit at home a little while ago but I have lost motivation for that completely.  Just the thought makes me cringe...
I know I am going to have to start though, I am beginning this week and going only twice a week to start. I will see how that goes. As for actual weight progress, the good thing is that the numbers keep going down so now I am 2 pounds away from losing 20 pounds total. This is actually not too bad considering my lack of  physical activity. So I am pretty happy with my progress so far. I just have to keep going at it. I am sure that once I began with a actual workout routine I will see more change quicker. I am really happy that I have kept this going for two months now. I didn't think I would make it this long, so now I know that I can keep it going for sure.

1 comment:

  1. No one will judge you. Gym goers like seeing new people. Maybe a few guys who think you are cute will look, but everyone at the gym is doing the same as you, self improvement. They might be at different levels but it's not a club for fit people who judge others
